The Organised Crime Index Report
The ENACT Organised Crime Index - Africa 2019 report presents the inaugural edition of the multi-dimensional tool that measures both the level of countries’ criminality and their resilience to organised crime.

The ENACT Organised Crime Index - Africa 2019 report presents the inaugural edition of the multi-dimensional tool that measures both the level of countries’ criminality and their resilience to organised crime.
This methodology paper presents the detailed methodology used in the construction of the ENACT Organised Crime Index.
A detailed breakdown of the Index scores is available for download in excel format, allowing users to explore the full depth of the Index.
A set of scoring thresholds were provided to experts throughout the process in order to guide the experts in determining the indicator scores.
A set of definitions and guiding questions for each indicator included in the index was provided to experts, in order to guide them in their considerations.
Resident Scholar, Carnegie Middle East Center
Executive Director, Kenya Community Development Foundation
University of Jos, JOS, Nigeria - Leading criminologist
National Head of Organised Crime - National Prosecuting Authority, SA